Thursday, April 30, 2020


Guys, can you believe it? It's been a full year of my little lovely creation and I taking on the world.
On the 5th of April 2019, I woke up feeling like I needed something, a project I would call my own.

I didn't have a million to do a small business, all I had was a flimsy thought of sharing my world with those that could find a minute's solace in the thoughts of a 25-year-old slender woman.
I put up my first blog post on It was one of those days when I went to bed with utmost satisfaction for my effort and accomplishment.

Some dawns broke with lots of uncertainties and I didn't know what kind of content I would put out for the week, but thank God, my brain has not run dry yet and we haven't hit the rock bottom either. Those who write understand that sometimes, they want to give a mighty piece to readers but for some reason, they end up scribbling down a trashy jot and they have to start all over again.

I have written and published averagely 3 blog posts per month and you guys have journeyed with me all through. I bow before you, and thank you for being such an amazing audience. Thank you, everyone, for making my dreams a reality.

Thank you to all those who chipped in some blog ideas, those who constantly reminded me, "Patie, it's a Friday, where is the link?" Thank you for keeping me in check. Christopher, Cosmas, Ms. Nansubuga, hope, Penny, Elisha, Cathy, Alfred, Sharon, Vivian, Ronald, Simon, Stella, Momo, and all you anonymous reviewers, I am grateful.

Making gold milk for y'all

I must confess, it's been a bit bumpy especially towards the end of 2019, I got more responsibilities at work and somehow couldn't be consistent but it was all for the greater good. News Editing has been a dream of mine and when that door finally opened, I gave it my whole. So while I may not blog every week here, God is making greater things happen in my career. So please bear with me when everything else consumes me, don't worry I won't sell my soul to the whirlwind.

Mint is a semi climbing plant, I guess, I want to intertwine these

I know our lives have changed really drastically due to the Covid 19 situation but I'm thankful that I get to assure y'all, "there have been so many goods in this bad." You gotta find your "good".
I have been learning new stuff like baking and propagating plants. My peppermint baby is growing, giving me endless smiles every morning that I wake up to a new shoot. I'mma be enjoying mint tea soon, those who want a treat, make me a good buddy, haha.

My quarantine project

Always look at the brighter side, even in the seemingly dark pit. Even the greatest walls are bound to have cracks in them, look out for that Ray of light coming through, and keep your foot on the pedal, you will make it through, I promise.

Otherwise, people, thank you for being part of the Patie Polly's Take reality-ship and I hope to have you aboard, till the end of time. I love and appreciate y'all, stay safe.

Sunday, April 12, 2020


Happy Easter everyone. It's been quite a long kinda 'holiday' that somehow the excitement for Easter dwindled with every day that passed in this quarantine. I hope y'all are staying home and staying safe. Please check on your loved ones and reach out to those you haven't heard from for quite long, it's always a nice gesture and a refreshing moment.

I am sorry you guys, its been quite a minute minus any posts but all I can say is, I am well, and everything is going on, not really smoothly; it's been a bumpy ride for some good months and other projects that take up almost every spare minute I always had, please bear with me.

So, who is your greatest love? And what makes them special to you? Well, considering its Easter, I thought I would share a few things I have come to learn and explore. Mundane and human as I am, I, just like many of you....yes, I'm winking at you, I know what you did last summer, haha, have been on a journey to finding true love and comfort, freedom and happiness.

Many a time, we have all searched for love and attention in all the wrong places; from people; boyfriends, girlfriends, family, ...we have also gone ahead to find the longings of our inner selves in things like money, a new phone, a new Arsenal or Liverpool jersey....shoutout to all Liverpool fans. 

Other times, we don't even have a human to talk to about what we feel and so drown our sorrow and confusion in a bottle of wine, beer (Ms Nansubuga, you have been quarantining with Guinness) or a massive platter of pork(I won't mention you guys here, haha) just to feel some kind of way about everything.

Quarantine got me wandering around Najjera, found a nice hedge!

But I bet more often than not, all we get is a short time of fun, comfort and a bit of that tipsy feeling that most of us like, when we are a little more happier, more jovial, more complete and don't let me mention the confidence we get, feeling like we can actually jump on top of a table and pull a sick move when we have even never stepped on the dance floor.

We use anything humanly possible to try and fill the void and yearning inside of us but this has been only but a wild goose chase for me. There comes a time or situation when you know very well that even if you had a chance to have the most fun intimate session with the crush of your life, a moment after that peak of excitement, you would still be sad, troubled and helpless. 

What then has been a refuge for me? There is someone, in whose presence I feel whole, never judged, loved like I would love to be, unshaken regardless of the size of the wave because baby, He's got the motion of the ocean under control. I pride in knowing that there is a power beyond all that we can see, a commander that brings all the strongest battalions to their knees and He, is the greatest love of my life.

We can joke all we want, hurt people to please our ego, use them for our needs and desires, inflict excruciating pain on others because we are more powerful than they are but darling, there comes a time when we all run to someone too, to Jesus, the greatest comforter and bearer of all our crosses. Sometimes I look up and say, thank you Lord for never giving up on me!

Allow me leave this here

I have, on many occasions been in so much trouble, worried to bits and on the verge of losing my faith, just like that moment in a flying dream, a split second before you fall off the edge of a cliff, and before I even realize, I am somehow back on my feet. 
I know we have all been there.....I KNOW THAT WAS YOU, LORD! Who else has done something evil and got away with it but after crossing that line, you are like, damn.... I am pretty sure that was you, Lord?


Cheers to Patie Polly's Take's second anniversary. Its Patie Polly's Take's second anniversary! Two years ago today, I did t...