Friday, September 27, 2019


I love me some cute and sweet scented flowers, be it Tulips, Peonies, Roses, Petunias, Lotus, Cherry Blossoms or Lilacs, they all are beautiful. Now some guys are like,....Petunias, Lotus, What the heck is that, some hot bitch in a new blockbuster movie or what? Haha, gather close, let me give you a hint on how to get your woman to smile and feel overly special.


Most of our 'brothers' have almost lost their brain cells in trying to figure out why women love flowers, want flowers even when they never last even a month. Well, hell yeah, they don't last but that's one of the chore reasons we love them. We want you to spend some money on something that we can have for a moment, not that pair of shoes that you will always refer to while reminding us of the 'sacrifices' you made for us...yes, some dude tells you:"I spent a fortune on that dresser of yours and you still doubt me?" Hey, we appreciate all those things, but a bouquet of fresh flowers on that fuckin dresser reminds us more of the sweetest things you have said to us!

Cherry blossoms

Now, some girls will be like, oh i don't care about those expensive gifts....blah blah....Here is the truth, we really yearn for them on the inside, while we try to be "your ideal woman who is not materialistic" we honestly wish that you could surprise us with even one half of a fresh petal at our work places, that will keep us rooted in the smiley emoji mood, i swear!


It's a fact, flowers die after a few days or weeks(depending on how well you take care of them) but that's not the point, the point is giving us something that's not a basic. We crave the chocolate on some specific days,(that makes it a basic, no arguments please) we love to eat out, food is a apart from all these, how about some 'new' unexpected roses in the vase in our living room?


See, when the sugar abruptly tastes bitter, the issue is not with the sugar granules, it's with the tongue. If you ever present flowers to bae and she ain't moved, its not the flowers that smell awkward, it could be your behavior or ridiculous ways that turn her off, get your shit together and be a better version of yourself.

The other reason is how we feel about the kind of flowers. Red tulips are a declaration of love while the sunflowers shout, False riches, disdain, why because way back when the Spanish explorers approached the America's, they thought the sun flowers were made of real gold as seen from a far which was far different as they came don't ruin your date with these. Find out the meaning of the flowers before you present them because that's what we value, sometimes. Lavenders represent devotion while red roses sparkle love and desire. Be mindful of the BLACK ROSES though, just like you see them in movies, the darker the shade, the more intriguing the meaning behind.


Flowers, despite the cultural affiliations or meanings attached to them, are gifts that no one can say no to. The whole reason why the snapchat filters grace your forehead with crowns of the same. Dear mean, extra ordinary men, are the usual men, who go an extra mile to do something extra. Be that extra for the woman you love, its just that simple,...easy peasy!


The first flowers i ever got were fake plastic roses,......(oh dear heart, hold up) and i must say, i loved them, despite their 'fakeness', haha,....i sprayed my deodorant on them every morning so i could smell them at lunch time,...i was in primary seven vacation. When was your first time to give or get flowers people, lets get chatting in the comments down below.

Thanks for stopping by, take good care of yourselves and , people some love, buy women flowers,...they are waiting for that dawn to break, so make it happen.       Love, Patie.

Friday, September 20, 2019


Hello there, hope y'all are doing great, if otherwise, how about a warm cyber hug from yours truly, ME! Well, thanks for stopping by once again, i appreciate the love. So September is only a week to end, where the hell is the year zooming to? Some of my dreams are still only a wild goose chase, what am i gonna do? Okay enough of me, let's get chatting!

As you can tell from the title, today i want us to look back at how we have been treating our loved ones, family, friends, workmates, associates and the people we constantly bump into at our frequented hangout spots.

See, we are human, we catch feelings(yes, we do, i do).....we feel comfortable with some people and not with others, we like some at first sight while we hate others at first chat. That's how the human race is. Much as we experience these all sorts of love and attraction, whatever it is for you, we also tend to overshadow these sweet adrenaline rush moments with our ego, pride and prejudice.

If someone is cute, we think they might be proud, if they are rich, we think they are full of themselves, if they are poor, we think they are only gold diggers, if they are quiet, we think they are boring....and so forth. However, these are only baseless judgements that deprive us of a chance to meet, like, love and be with the people who could actually be our soulmates, who knows!

Also, when we get to be with these people, how often do we show or tell them how we feel about them? Two weeks ago, my brother Hope(God bless your heart) asked me to pass by his home so we could eat cake together. I told him i would be tired by the time i finished the day's work, then Monday messy traffic,.....all those excuses. However after a minute, i told him i would go. 


Well, i sat still and wondered why i would turn down the invitation. How many people are dying of depression, with not even a soul to listen to them, hug them and aid them go through another day? I told him,"whatever opportunity, minute i can have to spend a moment with my family, i will exploit it fully. I will surely come." Truth be told, we had an amazing time and our darling mother couldn't wish for more. She loves it when we are together.

Big face is me, with my best friend.

So, don't wait till someone is lying helpless on their death bed to buy them their favorite drink so they can be happy because they won't. Tell your friends how dear they are to you before they are not anymore. We live in a world where we are not sure if we will see another sunrise so love the people you love-profusely, because many a times, we never know what is in the heart, only you can display what you feel for us.

Don't wait till HE/SHE goes for whoever comes by when you could be THE ONE she/he has yearned for all their life, and then you suddenly start to realize that you COULD LOVE THEM MORE THAN THAT! Bury your damn ego and date that waitress, driver, bartender, tailor even when you have a thousand degrees on your head, because if your heart beats for them, if you see them and feel alive again, if they talk to you and you get butterflies in your stomach, they are the ones! It's surely not about reputation, LOVE TRANSCENDS ALL THAT.

The umby, yes, it was so sunny.

Why would you go on and marry a neural surgeon whom you are going to cheat on with a driver? You know clearly that your heart belongs somewhere else yet you keep on bruising it with your insatiable desires for a certain 'class', social circle', and the urge to please others. Who wants to live their entire life being happy and complete for only two hours when you get away from your wife/husband to go and find 'LIFE' with some one who ain't rightly and legally yours?

My esteemed readers, let's defy some of these human nature weaknesses, love the person you want to, tell them so, have fun with your family because at the end of the day, they are the ones most likely to take you in, regardless of your honors, crimes, poverty, riches and all the above. Have people in your life who will stay when your mask falls off. Love them without holding back, if it works out not, it's okay because after all, YOU GAVE IT YOUR ALL.

Here comes the lady in red, Penny.

To my darling friend Penny, i appreciate and love you more than you will ever imagine. I cherish every moment spent with you and i want you to know that i will carry you within my heart all the days of my life, because you have loved me unconditionally! To Hope and Spear, my knights in shining armor, i love you deeply. To you all my readers, i couldn't have come this far without your support, thank you and i love y'all. Be kind to one another, and LOVE IMMENSELY, UNCONDITIONALLY AND MOST OF ALL, LET THEM KNOW HOW MUCH THEY MEAN TO YOU! ........Love, Patie.

Friday, September 13, 2019


"In life, we make choices, some good, others bad. Reliving my life is something i can't do, Starting over again seems nearly impossible but if i could, i would still choose........MY DREAMS." I read this phrase from a greeting card i got in my Primary Six, from my friend's sister. (Yes, i received many of those and some letters on cute writing pads, nostalgic!) For some reason, it has stuck with me till now, if indeed i could,...start all over again, i would never look down on myself, later on my dreams.

Many a times, things don't go our way,(like they sure will always) and in the heat of the moment, we feel like and often actually do give up. I have been in a situation where i wasn't even sure if i wanted to face another day. Moments when i felt like i clearly didn't belong and i had no reason to go on and pursue what.....dreams? Career? or disappointments? There are two years of my life that got death and despair staring at me in the face, marking each passing day on the calendar till i would finally face my fate. It was hard, and my faith in my dreams dwindled with each tedious hour that went by.

My weaknesses and mistakes landed me into a life long heartache but so what? Did i have to let go of everything? All the years of school? All the plans i had ahead? What about my dreams that i could vividly visualize...even feel? Did i really have to let it all go down the drain? Flush them down the toilet in an instant? What then would be my purpose in life? How about the people who had high hopes in me? Those who have supported me along life's long journey, my parents, brothers and kids who saw me as their icon, did i have to break their hearts too?

So, everyone, before you let it all go, ask yourself some of the above questions. Look around you and put to paper how many people your decision is going to hurt. I know i have always preached the self-love sermon but you need to differentiate it from self centeredness and selfishness. Don't mix the two.
Before you give up that course at the university, look back at the struggle you went through to even secure your admission. Before you quit that job which is a milestone in your career, think about the sleepless nights expended in preparation for those interviews, the presentations and all those sacrifices you have made, just breathe,...and soldier on for the next week. Of course when enough is enough and you can't take it anymore, quit! There is always an open door, after a closed one.

While receiving an Oscar Award five years ago, in her acceptance speech, Lupita Nyong'o had this to say; NO MATTER WHERE YOU'RE FROM, YOUR DREAMS ARE VALID!
And i would like to re echo the same, it really doesn't matter where you're from, what school you went to, what family background or even what is going on in your life right now, IF YOU CAN STILL VISUALIZE AND FEEL YOUR DREAMS, THEY ARE STILL VALID!

There are mornings when i woke up and wrote a resignation letter, carried it with me to my work place, this was about 3 weeks after i got the job. But each day that i decided to quit, i would go to office and by the end of the day, i had a valid reason to get back the next day and work. Thanks to one of my bosses who was an open book for me to read and draw strength and inspiration from. And so can you! DON'T QUIT UNTIL YOU CAN'T 'NOT QUIT'.

If there is one thing i have learnt, it's to hold on just a little longer. To keep on the grip even when i feel my fingers getting numb. To show up for myself even when everybody shuns the party, because at the end of the day, YOU CREATE YOUR SUCCESS, others only join in and tag along.

Love you all, take care of yourselves and chase your dreams.

Friday, September 6, 2019


Hellooos from this side, how are you doing people? Now, if anyone knows me a bit, they know i'm a curious fella who wants to learn more about various stuff, even if that knowledge isn't necessarily gonna earn me a dinner platter, ...i just love learning new things, they excite and fulfill me somehow.

Not all that glitters is gold, Need i say more?

This week i chanced upon an article that partly read "Meat-eating plants are back"....this was one of those moments when i try to revisit my science lessons from school to check if i ever learned about such and dang, these plants never came into play. This only means my curiosity veins were coming to life, like they were under some kinda massive ignition. I wanted more and more i got!

This pitcher plant can trap and digest a big rat not only some tiny mice.

I don't don't want to be your biology/ecology teacher but how about i give you that trick that will keep your child from wandering away into the bushes/farm land against your consent? I even wonder why there was never a scary folklore of some kind about these plants told to me while i grew up!

What drives this carnivorous behavior though?
Carnivorous plants largely grow in areas with less soil, water logged areas like bogs and swamps where water and sunshine are readily available but with less of soil nutrients and this creates an immense need for nutrients like phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium which can luckily be derived from insect bodies, and more small arthropods like toads and frogs. Hence the adaptation to trapping, killing and digesting the 'meat'.

And there he goes, sliding in to his death!

How is this trapping/killing possible?
Now what bothered me most was how a plant, whose locomotive ability is as limited, could honestly trap an insect that flies miles and miles! It was not until i 'got down with it'
Here is how it all works;

  • These plants produce a sweet smelling nectar that attracts insects onto them. Just like how white women are attracted to guys with dreadlocks haha, this is no offense, i have had countless confessions.
  • On the surface of these leaves or whatever you may call them, is a sticky substance that gets the victim glued there, like never letting go.
  • Inside the lid(for some plants like the pitchers) are downward pointing hairs that lead the victim further into the plant base. So literally its like a hell whole, you can only slide in but can't crawl out.
Oh dear, he is on his high way to the grave, RIP!

  • At the base of the barrel is a pool of chemicals that DIGEST the insects. Now, here is the irony. The prey/victim isn't killed immediately, its trapped in these liquids/acids and may take up to 15 minutes to finally die and then the chemicals work on extracting the needed nutrients, a process that takes a very long time. It's a slow, violent eventual death, poor insects!
  • Some eg the Yellow trumpet have a substance in their nectar that paralyzes any insect that eats it. One sip away and the insect tumbles right into the pool to be digested.
Caught up in the interlocking hell gate.

  • Some eg the sundews use nectar to get insects to land on leaves covered with sensitive hairs with beads of sticky liquids.
  • The Venus fly trap is probably the commonest around which apparently is put indoors to capture flies. It has an interlocking sort of ridge; a no escape plot.
Careful what you wish for, don't fall for the red lotus!

Common Characteristic (according to me)
90% of them have red or a patch of red on their leaves or stems.
One of my workmates told me, "that could be because of the blood they consume",....haha,...i died.

Now tell me this doesn't look like a trap to you!

Okay everybody, i would love to hear from you, are you familiar with these plants? Or have you heard a folklore concerning them?  The only one i read a few days ago about a carnivorous tree that ate human beings....found out the tree never existed neither did the writer.

I'm on the look out for these plants, if i land on any, i will update this post. If you know any, suggest please, i want to satisfy my curiosity, THANK YOU!


Cheers to Patie Polly's Take's second anniversary. Its Patie Polly's Take's second anniversary! Two years ago today, I did t...