Friday, September 20, 2019


Hello there, hope y'all are doing great, if otherwise, how about a warm cyber hug from yours truly, ME! Well, thanks for stopping by once again, i appreciate the love. So September is only a week to end, where the hell is the year zooming to? Some of my dreams are still only a wild goose chase, what am i gonna do? Okay enough of me, let's get chatting!

As you can tell from the title, today i want us to look back at how we have been treating our loved ones, family, friends, workmates, associates and the people we constantly bump into at our frequented hangout spots.

See, we are human, we catch feelings(yes, we do, i do).....we feel comfortable with some people and not with others, we like some at first sight while we hate others at first chat. That's how the human race is. Much as we experience these all sorts of love and attraction, whatever it is for you, we also tend to overshadow these sweet adrenaline rush moments with our ego, pride and prejudice.

If someone is cute, we think they might be proud, if they are rich, we think they are full of themselves, if they are poor, we think they are only gold diggers, if they are quiet, we think they are boring....and so forth. However, these are only baseless judgements that deprive us of a chance to meet, like, love and be with the people who could actually be our soulmates, who knows!

Also, when we get to be with these people, how often do we show or tell them how we feel about them? Two weeks ago, my brother Hope(God bless your heart) asked me to pass by his home so we could eat cake together. I told him i would be tired by the time i finished the day's work, then Monday messy traffic,.....all those excuses. However after a minute, i told him i would go. 


Well, i sat still and wondered why i would turn down the invitation. How many people are dying of depression, with not even a soul to listen to them, hug them and aid them go through another day? I told him,"whatever opportunity, minute i can have to spend a moment with my family, i will exploit it fully. I will surely come." Truth be told, we had an amazing time and our darling mother couldn't wish for more. She loves it when we are together.

Big face is me, with my best friend.

So, don't wait till someone is lying helpless on their death bed to buy them their favorite drink so they can be happy because they won't. Tell your friends how dear they are to you before they are not anymore. We live in a world where we are not sure if we will see another sunrise so love the people you love-profusely, because many a times, we never know what is in the heart, only you can display what you feel for us.

Don't wait till HE/SHE goes for whoever comes by when you could be THE ONE she/he has yearned for all their life, and then you suddenly start to realize that you COULD LOVE THEM MORE THAN THAT! Bury your damn ego and date that waitress, driver, bartender, tailor even when you have a thousand degrees on your head, because if your heart beats for them, if you see them and feel alive again, if they talk to you and you get butterflies in your stomach, they are the ones! It's surely not about reputation, LOVE TRANSCENDS ALL THAT.

The umby, yes, it was so sunny.

Why would you go on and marry a neural surgeon whom you are going to cheat on with a driver? You know clearly that your heart belongs somewhere else yet you keep on bruising it with your insatiable desires for a certain 'class', social circle', and the urge to please others. Who wants to live their entire life being happy and complete for only two hours when you get away from your wife/husband to go and find 'LIFE' with some one who ain't rightly and legally yours?

My esteemed readers, let's defy some of these human nature weaknesses, love the person you want to, tell them so, have fun with your family because at the end of the day, they are the ones most likely to take you in, regardless of your honors, crimes, poverty, riches and all the above. Have people in your life who will stay when your mask falls off. Love them without holding back, if it works out not, it's okay because after all, YOU GAVE IT YOUR ALL.

Here comes the lady in red, Penny.

To my darling friend Penny, i appreciate and love you more than you will ever imagine. I cherish every moment spent with you and i want you to know that i will carry you within my heart all the days of my life, because you have loved me unconditionally! To Hope and Spear, my knights in shining armor, i love you deeply. To you all my readers, i couldn't have come this far without your support, thank you and i love y'all. Be kind to one another, and LOVE IMMENSELY, UNCONDITIONALLY AND MOST OF ALL, LET THEM KNOW HOW MUCH THEY MEAN TO YOU! ........Love, Patie.


  1. U are the one, I love u soo much my sweet bestie forever at heart and I really do appreciate dis all ,thanks so much darling.
    Best wishes to u always and may God favour,guide and protect u my sweet patie polly.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Thanks so much dear.i love so much every part of your contents.thanks alot.

  4. Let me say it before its very late, I love you dearest patie

    1. Aww,thanks for the love.You should open your email identity so i know whom i'm chatting with, it's hidden. Thanks for reading.

    2. Am a hidden treasure, I just love my identity invisible. I love you that way in hiding

    3. Oh, that's pretty cool. I respect that. Hello hidden treasure!

    4. Hello patie,..... This is gona be any interesting thing. By this time I believe you are done with the official duties of the day....
      Besides, this lovely article, how has your day at work been????

      And am I right to call them articles, I beg to be correct, are they blogs or ??????

      Much love patie

    5. I'm done with work. My day has been okay, and yes article, blog, it's all correct. Thanks for the love.

  5. Love goes to those who are lovable and lovely ones.

    Thanks for being lovely and lovable

    1. Yes, the saying goes: If you want to be loved, love and be lovable. Thanks for reading and being part of this, i appreciate.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Why marry a neural surgeon well knowing that u will cheat on him with a driver? A girl will tell u she loves a driver but he is unable to put bread on the table

    1. Yes, sometimes, we have to put in some maths. Just before you wreck your life following our heart, how about you consult the mind a little bit. But its all too complicated, the heart wants what it wants.

  8. Permit me say that I love you so much!



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